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Y is for YOU!

Illustration by Ramiro Roman, Jr.

Illustration by Ramiro Roman, Jr.

This post is part 25 of 26 of The Freelance Writer’s ABCs. Come back Monday for Z!

This Could Be You!

Waking up each morning with a purpose. Knowing that what you do is more than just a job: It’s who you are.

This could be you.

Designing your own schedule. Organizing your files so they’re “just so.” Studying up on your craft. Getting to know others like you.

You feel a little like the hooker in Pretty Woman–”I say when, I say who, I say how much“–but you’re no whore. You’re in this for more than the money. This… this is your life.

And you love it.

You respect yourself and what you do. And others are starting to respect you in return.

But, above all else, you write.

Because you’re a writer. 

Could This Be You?

Maybe you’re not quite there yet. Maybe the above is still just the slightest twinkling of a dream.

You want to break away from your mundane “normal” life, but don’t know how.

You dream of becoming a writer—living the writer’s life—but don’t know how you could make a living off of it (or if that’s even possible!).

You want to “go pro” in the writing field, but don’t know enough about what it takes to feel comfortable actually taking those first steps to do so.

You feel stuck. Unfulfilled.

You feel the painful tick of the clock and know that each minute that passes is another minute you didn’t live your dream.

You feel like you’re wading through the pool of life with your jeans on—the further you walk, the slower you go. You feel weighed down.

You feel a constant twinge of regret that you’ve never truly lived up to your potential.

You constantly fear that you’ll end up staying at a job you hate…forever…until you die.

Never taking a shot at living your dream life.

Having to live with the regret of never trying—of quite possibly dying a failure.

…Could this be you?

This IS You.

In the end, it’s all about you.

Yes. You.

No matter how many mentors you speak with.

No matter how many books & blogs you read.

No matter how many podcasts you listen to or videos you watch.

In the end, it call comes down to you.

How you handle yourself when you’re faced with rejection…time after time after time.

Whether you choose to persevere or quit.

Whether you respect your craft–and exude an air of professionalism, even when things aren’t going your way–or if you treat it as a hobby.

When you become a freelance writer, when you decide to make writing your business, how seriously you take it is up to you and you alone.

Success or failure?

That’s all you.

So who are YOU going to be?

I thought so.

Go get ‘em, Tiger.

Happy writing!

The post Y is for YOU! appeared first on LittleZotz Writing.

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